Super Specs for the computer obsessed

Last summer, my eyes started getting bad, sore and weepy and red. I knew the culprit was my computer and the hours I spent staring at it, writing my novel in the morning, marketing/promoting in the afternoon, because whenever I spent a day away from it the condition cleared up. Obviously, something had to be done. All I could think of was to spend less time on the computer. I had to scale back.

I had started a fan page on facebook, so that was the first casualty. Closed. And after a long, painful and frustrating period getting to know the basics of MailChimp, I sent out my first newsletter – to tell my few followers that there would be no more newsletters. It was almost a relief to let MailChimp go. I also cut down on the number of Facebook groups I belonged to. I even thought I might have to give up writing so I could spend fewer hours just doing the marketing for my 8, soon to be 9, novels.

Turns out there is no need for such drastic action. I bewailed my problem with a friend and she told me about blue blocker glasses, which filter out the blue light that can damage the eyes. I rushed out and bought a pair, which now sit on my nose. I’m happy to say, my problem is solved.

I wanted to share this in case anyone else out there has the same issue.

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