What do you write after ‘The End’?

Your finished book is now ready for publication. Yay! Heartfelt relief. Pride! Joy! A sense of accomplishment! But don’t stop there. Your readers have finished your book. Presumably, they have enjoyed it. You’ve got their attention. Don’t relinquish it yet.
How about a note from the author telling your readers something about the book that you can’t include in the narrative, such as a brief bibliography, what inspired you to write it, anything of interest. In my case, I try to tell my readers what is not factual in my historical novels.
You might include a biography, a list of your other books. Tell them how they can contact you: Your email address, Twitter and Facebook accounts, Goodreads, all your social media.
Either here or at the front of the book, you can add any endorsements or reviews you’ve received.
Finally, if you have other books, generate a little interest by including a chapter or two. Ebook writers can even offer a snippet of their WIP. It can always be changed later if necessary.
These are the things I add at the end of my books. I don’t know if anyone reads them. I only know I read other authors’ back matter. Perhaps you can think of some other things to include. If so, let me know.

My review of The Errant Flock by Jana Petken

Jana Petken’s The Errant Flock is set in Sagrat, Valencia, in the late fifteenth century. After his wife has lost three babies, Luis, Duke of Sagrat, is desperate for a son to succeed him. What is a man to do? The duke’s remedy is to force young David Sanz, one of his militiamen, to steal a newborn from among the townsfolk. Since secrecy is vital, David is also ordered to kill the parents and any other family members in the house. If he does not carry out this dreadful mission, the duke will destroy his own family.

This repugnant crime is the basis of the plot. Add the Inquisition, a corrupt town official, a band of murdering marauders, family members and a friend who cannot understand the change in David. Spice it up with a little love interest in the form of a Jewish girl, and what you have is a delicious soup of treachery, betrayal, guilt, and suspense that will make you want to keep on reading long after bedtime.

Alternating points of view help carry the story along at a fast but not hurried pace. On the whole, the characters are believable. It’s impossible not to sympathise with David for the terrible dilemma he finds himself in. I would, however, have liked to have seen just a dash of goodness in the duke. He is a little too evil.

When you come to the end of the book, you will be happy to know there are other Jana Petken titles available. (I’m looking forward to reading more.) The Errant Flock is the first book in The Flock Trilogy. I highly recommend it.

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